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EDGE CITY in sénart

In 77 hectares, the Chanteloup development area represents an extension of more than 20% of the urban part of the municipality and 25% of its population! This study offers the opportunity to question the modality of a low density urban extension. In 2013, what about the original paradigm of the natural city Sénart? What is still

relevant regarding the changing societal trends? What should be questionned that may seem out of date? And what can be amended in a constructive critique of the model?

Moissy-Cramayel is one of those territories classified as

«diffuse» where many families are delighted to realize their dream of owning a house with a garden. Yet this dream is in danger because the consequences of large scale suburban extensions are now stigmatized for their harmful consequences. This context calls for the emergence of a new paradigm.

Program Urban study (2 400 dwellings, public facilities, shops & services)

Location Moissy-Cramayel (FR)

Client Public office of land development of the new city of Sénart

Size 77 ha


Team YTAU mandataire (Project director: Yannick Troubat, Project architect: Xufeng Wang) / Ateliers jours / Infraservices

Status Completed 2014

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